Friday, July 12, 2013

Catch Up

Gees it seems like forever and a day since the last time I posted. I'm sorry for the long delay. Life gets in the way and things fall on the back burner. Well now its time to get you all caught up on what's being going on in the Vaughn Household.

1. School ended--Caiden graduated from Pre-K and Ricky is moving up to 7th grade.
2. Ricky passed all tests of the CRCT with flying colors just like we knew he would.
3. We went on Vacation to Panama City Beach (PCB) May 24th-June 1st. We took Shaun Shaun and TaTa with us as well so I had 5 boys for a week in a 2 bedroom condo (nuff said) : ) it was a great trip.
4. Our airconditioner went out 4 days before we left to go on vacation so that was a well unexpected surprise. It costs a small fortune to replace it but at least we now have air.
5. We started remodeling Rick's mom's house (her name is Lois). She was super excited and I am excited becasue she let me help her make decisions on how to decorate. It has been a rewarding experience for her but for us as well. We love to see her smile. I will be posting pictures later.
6. Latasha is on the Leadership team at church that is discerning God's will for Tabernacle Baptist Church and her members. It has been very eye opening and rewarding in seeing how God can and will work through Tabernacle to help others and bring people to Christ.
7. Caiden is on the verge of losing another tooth. YAY!! I will post pictures when it finally happens.

Well I think this gets you all caught up on what's been going on with us. I will defintely posts pics of all the things we have done so stay tuned.