Sunday, January 13, 2013

Day 10 of 365 Days of Thanks

January 10th, 2013

Today I am thankful for the bus drivers. Every morning Caiden and I wait for the bus. We talk about how we hope he has a good, fun day at school and about what we are going to do after school. We also say our ABC's and count to 20. I am thankful that Caiden is able to ride the bus because if I had to take him every morning I would be late for work. I would love to be able to drive he and Ricky to school everyday but it is not feasible at this time. Caiden gets on the bus before I leave and Ricky gets on after I am at work. If it were not for bus drivers I would be in a big mess. So thank you bus drivers for everything you do to get my sons to school and back home safely everyday.