Thursday, August 22, 2013


Here is a little bit of history about our family. Today is mine and Rick’s anniversary of the first time we met. Ricky Vaughn Jr.  (I call him Rick) and I met on 8/22/1999. I guess you can call it love at first sight. But I was only 13 at the time and didn’t know much about love. I just knew this guy seemed to like me and care for me. He treated me with respect. He treated my family with respect and we couldn’t stand to be apart. About 1 ½ years later we welcomed a baby boy into our family. YES…..I was 14 years old when I had my first son. Take a minute to get over the shock…. J We were in love and having a son just strengthen that love even more. However, as a famous cartoon character says “With great power comes great responsibility.” Ricky III was our gift but with that gift came a lot of responsibility from us and our families as well. Both of our families were supportive and helped us along the way. God also placed others in our lives at the right times to help us through tough times that we encountered. All along the way we stuck through every rough patch and made it through. Fast forward 7 years and we welcomed our 2nd baby boy named Caiden into our family. Our boys are our pride and giving them the world is now our dream. 14 Years ago today I met the man of my dreams. I would daydream about what our life would be like if we were to get married. I would dream about us never being apart. Today I am living my dream. I have a wonderful husband who has never left my side, who loves me unconditionally, and is supportive in every aspect of our marriage. I have 2 wonderful boys who love me and I love them dearly. I would not change anything I have for the world. I hear people say sometimes that a chance encounter can change you world in a second and that is exactly what happened to us. On 8/22/1999 I decided to go with a friend for a walk. This walk led me to Rick. Rick had been home all day. His brother talked him into going for a ride to town and that brought him to me. If we had not made the decisions we did that day we may have never met. Enough about that, I don’t like to think that way. Our lives have by no means been perfect these last 14 years but we made it through together and stronger than we were back in 1999. I am happy to share a little history about us with everyone. This is a day for us to celebrate when our Love Story began. Rick thank you for being the person you are. You are my soul mate and I am glad God brought us together. Life would not be the same without you.