Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Missing In Action (MIA)

Guess everyone thinks I have been MIA for a while. I can't lie I have been. It has been hard to find the time and the motivation to write. It has been a crazy few months since I last posted. It's been busy, stressful, exciting, sad, happy, awesome time. It's been all those things at once and all spread out. Our lives are crazy. So to catch you up here we go. Caiden has had a rough several months at school with behavior. It progressively got worse. We have spent the last 8 weeks in doctors offices for testing and therapy. Earlier this month we finally got a little piece of mind when we received the diagnosis of High Functioning Autism. We both knew Caiden has this condition but getting the school to accept it was very stressful and time consuming. We now have the things we need to get Caiden the help he needs to be successful. Caiden was promoted to the 2nd grade and has been recommended for the gifted program since he is extremely smart especially in math. He is above level in all areas. Ricky is exactly the same. We had his 8th grade graduation this month and he graduated with a 4.0 with honors. Way to go Ricky. He has been recommended for all Honor's classes a the high school when he starts in August. Ricky also tried out for the drumline and made it.... YAY. He will get to march and play the snare drum. On May 9th, Rick and I celebrated our 14 year anniversary and on this same day Ricky had his 8th grade dance. He was nice enough to pose for a couple pics with me before the dance. Then the big news we have is one week later on May 16th, Rick and I renewed our vows. It was a wonderful day. I was surrounded by friends and family and was literally treated like a princess. I have never had some many people trying to help me have a great time. It was fun but way out of my comfort zone. I'm used to being the person helping others. My dad was able to walk me down the aisle. He said to me "You know I have not walked with you in over 21 years. I'm not sure if I know how." It was so sweet. He had to hold my dress as we walked but we made it down the aisle. The big surprise that day was when I arrived to the wedding on a John Deere tractor. Rick was not expecting it. It caught him by surprise and the pictures don't lie. I am so happy that I was able to make him smile so big. We have had a crazy few months but we wouldn't change it for anything.