Sunday, February 3, 2013

Day 23 - 33

Let's face it I have not been able to post everyday like I hoped I would. I have failed but I am trying so hard to get back into the groove of posting everyday. I hope that this week I will be able to start fresh and get back on track so that I can prove to all of you and to my self that I can finish the goal that I set for my self this year. So I am going to post the 10 things that I am thankful to get my self caught up. This is for Jan 23 - Feb 2.

1. I am thankful for my son Ricky. He is my energetic, music loving, girl crazy boy. He loves everything about music and being the center of attention. I know God has great things in store for him in the future.
2. I am thankful for my darling "Bubby Wubby" Caiden. He is our outspoken, daredevil, cutie pie. He loves super heroes and everything about being a boy. He is our temper tantrum child but so loving and loyal at the same time. He can make you laugh by saying the weirdest thing but he also is very smart for his age and has an immaculate memory. God has great things planned for him as well.
3. I am thankful for neighbors. We have wonderful neighbors who watch out for us and we do the same for them. There are part of our family. Gabby is the daughter of one of our neighbors but we call her the daughter we never had. She spends practically as much time at our home as she does her own. I am thankful we have such wonderful neighbors that we can be a part of each others lives.
4. I am thankful for our legal system. Here in America we have a wonderful legal system that allows each of us to feel protected and receive justice for wronged things. We as a country are fortunate to have this luxury. There are so many countries that do not have a legal system that they can depend on when things go wrong. I know there are some flaws in our system and there are sometimes corrupt beings in the legal system; however, for the most part our system is upheld in an unjust manor it protects us from harm.
5. I am thankful for my pastor. Dr. Gentry is a wonderful pastor. I don't think we could ask for a better pastor. He has a memory like no other I have ever seen. He makes you feel welcome the first time he meets you. The second time he sees you it seems like he has known you your whole life. He is a great man and I am very thankful that God led him to the ministry and to Tabernacle Baptist Church.
6. I am thankful for fellowship. I love being able to gather with others and just talk and eat and laugh. It is a great way to make friends and create everlasting bonds. Tabernacle puts on many opportunities for everyone to gather and fellowship with each other. I am thankful for that time to spend with others.
7. I am thankful for forgiveness. I know I have been wronged and had to forgive others but I also have had to ask for forgiveness. Let's face it if you have kids you have probably yelled at them and had to say your sorry and they probably did the same to you and had to ask for forgiveness. (hopefully its not just my family : ) ) I am thankful that we all can make mistakes and ask for forgiveness of others. I am so thankful that we can confess our sins and ask for forgiveness from our Holy Father and be granted forgiveness. He is a forgiving Father and he understands we make mistakes. Forgiveness is hard at time but if God can forgive us for the worst we can forgive others as well.
8. I am thankful for technology. I am so thankful that I can write this blog. Technology is great in a sense because you can talk with anyone practically anywhere in the world without even picking up a phone. It is great to find recipes, research projects or businesses, connect with employers, connect with family and friends, and lots of other things. Technology is paving the way for great things in the future. We just have to remember that in the famous words of Spiderman "With Great Things Comes Great Responsibility" so we have to use this technology wisely and not take advantage of others or post things we wouldn't want others to see. I am thankful for technology and all the endless possibilities that comes along with it.
9. I am thankful for Pinterest. Yes I said Pinterest. I have found so many news things that I have tried and it has changed me into a DIY'er. I love making crafts for our home, clothes for our nieces, and new recipes for the family. I am thankful for whoever started Pinterest because it has helped me in so many ways.
10. I am thankful for my new crock-pot Rick got me for Christmas. It is so big and it has a timer on it so I pre-set it to start in the middle of the day if I need it too. I found recipes on Pinterst and have tried them in the new crock-pot it was a success. Thanks Rick for getting me the new crock-pot I love it.