Sunday, February 3, 2013

Day 22

Day 22

Yesterday since the boys were out of school for Martin Luther King Jr. Day they stayed at home with Rick. Rick had our 2 boys and 2 nephews so he had his hands full. The 3 older boys decided they would go outside and shoot BB guns. Now I was not there so I didn’t get the chance to scold them. I don’t like for them to play with the BB guns and the thing I had feared is exactly what happened. The boys were shooting at each other and one of them was shot in the leg. He is ok but he was in pain and had to go to the emergency room. He has since decided that he never wants to touch a gun again. Today I am thankful that accidents do happen and kids can learn from their mistakes. I am glad that he was not seriously hurt. He will have to have the BB taken out but he won’t lose a limb (thank goodness). Rick scolded the boys whom all admitted they knew not to point the guns at each other but decided to do it anyway. They got some scolding from Mama’s too so I don’t think they will make that same mistake again; however, we are talking about pre-teen boys and we know how long their intentions last…NOT VERY LONG. Needless to say everyone is ok but hopefully the boys will put this is the back of their mind as a lesson learned and not do it again.