Friday, February 20, 2015

Catch up 365 Days of Thanks

I have not forgot about my commitment to complete the 365 days of thanks this year. So far this year we have been very busy and some days it has been hard for me to think of what i am thankful for. I have those good days and bad days. Well the other day i said to my self it doesn't matter how bad my day has been there is always something to be thankful for so i am getting myself back on track. So here is the catchup post. This is Day 18 through Day 50.
18 I am thank for having a car that is. reliable and dependable.
19 I am thankful for being healthy.
20 I am thankful for my 2 sons.
21 I am thankful for my husbands job.
22 I am thankful for the tires on my car.
23 I am thankful for the employees at the grocery store.
24 I am thankful for family.
25 I am thankful for lessons learned.
26 I am thankful for Sunday School
27 I am thankful for friends
28 I am thankful for the internet
29 I am thankful for Sprints Unlimited Plan
30 I am thankful for thw sound of laughter
31 I am thanking for hearing
32 I am thankful for sight
33 I am thankful for touch
34 I am thankful for smells
35 I am thankful for food
36 I am thankful for exercise
37 I am thankful for adrenalin
38 I am thankful for hugs
39 I am thankful for encouragement
40 I am thankful for helping hands
41 I am thankful for boots when it is cold
42 I am thankful for sunshine
43 I am thankful for electricity
44 I am thankful for tv
45  I am thankful for books
46 I am thankful for cameras
47 I am thankful for doctors
48 I am thankful for the Bible
49 I am thanking for smiles
50 I am thankful for happiness
Whew that was alot of days but I am back on track. So thw lesson i have learned is to find something to be thankful for in each and ever day no matter how bad the day has been.