Monday, February 18, 2013

Day 46 of 365 Days of Thanks

February 15th

Today I am thankful nights at Grandma's. The boys spent the night at "Nana's" house Friday night. I went to the nail salon right after work for some "Mommy Time." Then I picked up some Moe's for Rick and I. I came home and cleaned up just a little before Rick got home from work. He has been working a ton of overtime so this week he only had one day off. I made us a pallet on the floor with cushions and we had a picnic in the living room and watched movies while we ate. It was a fun time just spending time with my BFF and not worrying about having to get the boys to bed or being a referee when they are fighting. Thanks Lois for taking the boys for the night. We really appreciate you watching the boys for us.