Saturday, January 17, 2015

Day 15 of 365 Days of Thanks

January 15th

Today I am thankful for patience. Yesterday with Caiden was a roller coaster ride. He throws a curve ball at me at least once a week. I told Rick as soon as I think we are doing real good Caiden will snatch the wheels out from under us and down we go speeding at 120 miles an hour with no breaks. What can I say....I prayed for patience and God is giving me lots of tests. I guess it is true you have to be careful what you pray for. My patience does run thin. Sometimes Caiden is a bundle of energy bouncing off the walls and then at others he is quiet and patient and just wants to be loved on. I told you its a roller coaster. I am thankful that God is given me tests with him because it is making us both stronger. I am learning more and more on how to be patient with him and help him through his trouble times and he is learning that he can always count on me. I am also teaching him that he can count on God. No matter what we go through God is still there and his love is still the same. I am thankful for all the things he has done for us but today I am especially thankful for the patience he gave me to help Caiden when he needed me the most.